Delivery Information

We deliver  all over the world.


Dancewear (all types)

CANADA AND USA - 25-30 $

EU - 20- 25 $/ 18-22 EUR

Barres (one classic barre with the length 1,5 - 2 m) :

CANADA AND USA - 70-100 $

EU - 50- 70 $/ 45-65 EUR

*Note, the price is indicative and depends on the model of the barre, length and country of receipt 

*Our manager will calculate the exact cost and inform you


CANADA AND USA - 10-14 days

EU - 7-10 days


Your equipment  go through 3 stages of packaging:
- production
- additional
- transportation

We care about the safety of the cargo. 
e are responsible for the delivery of our products.